Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Wait...I have a blog?!

 Numerous persons have kindly told me that my current transformation journey is serving as a source of inspiration and motivation.  The feedback I am getting is CERTAINLY encouraging me to stick with the program day after day, even if things don't always go according to plan.  Though I am calling it a six month transformation, this is a lifelong process...not temporary fix.  

In thinking about more ways to stay accountable and share my journey, I have been contemplating vehicles to expand beyond the weekly updates and short videos.  As I was contemplating email addresses and domain names for a possible website, I today came across this blog that I started nearly 10 years ago.  My mind was and still is pretty blown by its rediscovery!

I don't yet know how often I will write here, but I am grateful that it is already set up and provides a platform for longer posts than my social media platforms.  If nothing else, it's proof positive that my health is something I have been thinking about for a LONG time.